Is ‘Green’ or Natural Cotton the Same as Organic Cotton?

Cotton is the world’s most popular natural fibre. Cotton is found in products such as clothing, bedding, and towels. However, not all cotton is equal. Lately, there’s been an increasing interest in natural and organic cotton, and there’s some confusion about whether these two are the same. Folks today are becoming more aware and want...
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A Parent’s Guide to Buying Organic Cotton Clothes

There’s a lot of information out there about the benefits of buying organic cotton baby and kid’s clothes compared to mass-produced conventional cotton clothes. Consequently, it can all seem a bit overwhelming at times. So, here at Elves, we thought a quick parent’s guide to buying organic cotton clothes would help you to easily navigate...
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A Parent’s Guide to Buying Organic Cotton Clothes

Toxins in Clothing

My Organic Lifestyle My upbringing wasn’t exactly what you call environmentally conscious and yet as long as I can remember I was drawn to everything Organic. I loved to go into Organic Food Stores. I just loved being surrounded by Organic Goodness. For myself, it was always about the feel, the smell, the aliveness and...
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Toxins in Clothing

Organic Cotton and Eco-friendly Clothes for Mums

Isn’t it time you started applying the same amount of care you give to choosing the right fabrics for your little ones to wear to yourself? Eco-friendly organic cotton clothes are great for you too. Apart from the obvious benefits, like they are super comfortable and durable, making this choice helps the environment and even...
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Organic Cotton and Eco-friendly Clothes for Mums