Elves in the Wardrobe Online Organic Shop Turns One
The first year of our online organic children’s clothing store, Elves in the Wardrobe, has gone by at record speed. I cannot believe that we are already turning the page in our Elves in the Wardrobe magic book and celebrating our first birthday.
I am taking this moment to reflect on our first year and think about what the future holds for our online organic clothing store.
Elves in the Wardrobe was born from a love and passion for soft and organic fabrics, beautiful designs and a desire to create something that not only nourishes my family and I, but also has a healthy and ethically sustainable background. For me, nothing feels better than dressing my growing boys in their new organic and sustainable clothes from brands like Leela Cotton and loud+proud. I am absolutely delighted when I see gorgeous little people wearing beautiful clothing from our online organic kids clothing store (especially when I go for a walk around my little town or pick up my children from the bus stop – what a delight!).
As our little online organic shop grows, so too does my desire to do more than simply provide an income for my family in an ethical and sustainable way. I want do more for people, the environment and our world. Looking around I have found so many businesses that are about so much more than just making money. They are helping the world in so many ways and this is utterly inspiring and touching for me as a business owner:
As we move into our second year, I am determined to not only better our online organic store, but also better what we stand for and how we contribute to the world around us.
My wish list for Elves in the Wardrobe:
- To find a social project that involves ending child labour and creating a sustainable future for these children and their families. I would like to become actively involved in such a project by donating part of our sales profits and time to this project.
- Expanding our range of beautiful, fair-trade, organic, baby & children clothes.
- Continue to work on our NEW wonderful online organic clothing shop, that will make all of this possible.
- And of course, play our part in making the world a more beautiful & magical place for children & families.
I would love it if you could send me any messages, links & ideas or feedback that you may have in regards to a social project for Elves in the Wardrobe. Please send me an email at enquiries@elves-in-the-wardrobe.com.au