August 16, 2017

Organic Essentials Guide for First Time Parents - What Will My Baby Need?

What organic essentials will my baby need?

Becoming a parent is an exciting and yet sometimes overwhelming time.

Everyone has an opinion on what you will and won't need for those early days.

With so much on offer online as well as shopping local, it can be hard to know exactly what the essentials are for those early days.

As well as providing beautiful organic cotton products for babies and kids, at Elves in the Wardrobe we want to make this time as easy as possible for you and have put together a realistic list of what you will really need, so you can focus on enjoying this special time.


Here is a basic checklist of baby organic essentials to get you and your newborn through the first few weeks and months:


  1. Wear:

It doesn’t get much cuter than tiny baby clothes—but you’ll want to pick out practical items that’ll keep baby comfy and cosy.

When it comes to clothing, these are the baby must-haves:

  • 2 hats; organic cotton or merino
  • 6-10 bodysuits and singlets; organic cotton or merino
  • 3-4 kimono wrap bodysuits and jackets; organic cotton
  • 1 cardigan; organic cotton or merino
  • 3-4 pairs of drawstring pants or footed jumpsuit
  • 2-3 pairs of socks
  •  2 mittens, organic cotton or merino
  • 1 vest; organic cotton or merino
  • 1-2 pairs of booties; organic cotton or merino


  1. Sleep:

 Sleep is going to be a precious thing, both for you and for baby. Help everyone get some much-needed shut-eye with this baby items list for bedding:

  • 3-6 sleeping gowns, organic cotton or merino
  • 1-2 sleeping bags
  • 1 cuddly toy
  • 1 bassinet or moses basket with mattress
  • 2-3 blankets; organic cotton or merino
  • 2-3 bassinet sheet sets
  • 6 swaddle wraps; organic cotton, merino or muslin cotton
  • 1-2 mattress protectors

    1. Care & Bath:

    You don’t absolutely need a baby bath or change table. You can bath a baby in the regular bath tub (or even the sink) and you can change a baby’s nappy on the floor or a bed.

    But both items are useful and will make things a bit easier on your back!

    • 4 muslin wraps
    • 1 body wash or soap
    • 6-8 bibs
    • 1 massage oil
    • 1 play mat
    • 12 wipes or cloths, cotton or muslin
    • 1 bottom balm
    • 2-4 burp cloths
    • 1 nail scissors
    • 1 bath tub (optional)
    • 1 changing table (optional)
    • 2 change pads
    • 1-2 hooded towels
    • 1 baby hairbrush

    It is always good to remember that every family is different and we’re all on a different budget.

    Some parents will consider a pram a ‘must-have’ while other families love their baby carrier. Some don’t mind buying an expensive wooden change table to match the cot, while others prefer a more cost-effective one that fits on top of an existing set of drawers. And some won’t bother at all – preferring to change the baby’s nappy on the floor or a bed.

    It really is important to find what works for you.

    But you probably won’t figure that out until after your baby has arrived.

    In the meantime you’ll find our Elves in the Wardrobe First Time Parents Guide useful when getting ready for your new baby.


